25 July 2010

Toothpaste Hacks

A large part of living sustainably is living more simply. For example, it is often helpful to try to avoid buy too many products that only have one use.

Toothpaste one versatile product you (hopefully?) already have in your home. TreeHugger gives us a fun list of 10 non-traditional uses for toothpaste in cleaning and hygiene, including as a jewelry cleaner.

16 July 2010


Are you in the market for a new set of pillows for your bed? Since your face will be touching the pillow for 6-9 hours a night and you'll be breathing in right over it night after night, you may want to consider natural filling options.

GreenIsSexy has a fast run-down of some of the options you'll come across. Good luck!

09 July 2010

Refrigerator Efficiency

An important part of living sustainably is simply using the things you already have more efficiently. Check out this LifeHacker article to learn how to help your refrigerator run more efficiently.

If your refrigerator doesn't have to work as hard, it can use less electricity. Over time, small details like this add up!

02 July 2010

Happy BBQing!

Because it's BBQ time of year again, I'd like to share this article from TreeHugger. It offers ten easy tips to help you be good to the environment AND healthier when you BBQ.

ALSO: If you're in the market for a grill, you may want to check out what green is sexy has to say about the environmental impacts of the various options.