09 July 2008

More Mower

I think it's hilarious that our reel mower has spurred so much discussion.

I love our reel mower! I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way. Why on earth would a person want to spend time outside pushing around a noisy machine spewing pollution right in their face?

Our mower is really easy to use. I'd never mowed a lawn before we got our house, but I've done a full 50% of our mowing since we got our reel mower. It's so light I can pick it up completely off the ground with no problems at all to pull it out of the garage or into a different spot in the yard. In the cool weather when the grass isn't growing so rapidly, mowing is just a weekly stroll around the yard, preceded by your mower, of course. It's really that easy! In the summer, the grass is growing like crazy, so the lawn could really probably use mowing a bit more often. But we still just do it once a week. Even so, it is just an easy workout. I'd rather mow than go for a jog or something any day!

In a few months (when it's not so ungodly hot outside), we're having everyone over to our house for a lawn mower party (along with pizza or something, rest assured!) so that everyone can feel how light and easy it is to mow with a reel mower!

1 comment:

acheron0 said...

The party is a great idea. I know I still feel skeptical even though I have absolutely no reason to think you're speaking anything but the truth. Of course, based on past history I won't be able to make it.