26 August 2008

Drain Cleaner

We've talked before about reducing the sheer number of cleaners in your arsenal. A goal to be worked toward slowly but surely. But there's one cleaning product that is much worse than others: drain cleaners.

Green is Sexy gives us some advice in the article "Hard Boiled":

"The active ingredient in most drain-cleaners is sodium hydroxide, otherwise known as caustic soda or lye. It is a man-made chemical used for its corrosive properties, and corrosive it is! Not only is drain-cleaner deadly to ingest and irritating to your nose, throat and lungs if inhaled, it can also corrode your pipes! While non-toxic alternatives are available, try avoiding clogs in the first place. Pour a kettle full of boiling water down your shower drain once a week. The boiling water breaks down any soap or hair conditioner coating the pipes, helping everything flow a lot easier. If a clog should occur, despite your best attempts at prevention, try a non-toxic solution before turning to products made with sodium hydroxide." [emphasis added]

So, try to prevent. But if it's already too late, try making your own (from Clean & Green):

1/2 cup baking soda
1 cup white vinegar
1 gallon boiling water
1/2 a used lemon
Pour baking soda down drain/disposal, followed by vinegar. Allow the mixture to foam for several minutes before flushing the drain with boiling water.

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