15 September 2008

Greening your bathroom

A great article today on Planet Green today. "How to Go Green: in the Bathroom" features lots of important tips and topics that you wouldn't want to overlook.

The article talks about:
-Low flow shower heads and faucet aerators
-Dual flush toilets
-Toilet paper (even rolling "over" or rolling "under" matters!)
-Cleaning supplies
-Showering and brushing your teeth
-Using vinegar and lemon as natural cleaning agents
-Shower curtains
-Towels and linens

In the later pages of the article, Planet Green recommends lots of links for further investigation into whatever topic(s) you are interested in.

You've probably heard of most of the tips. But I can almost guarantee that there will be one or two points in this article that will be new and useful to you.

Also, remember that the goal is to phase out your not-so-green habits and products as they need replacing (with a few health exceptions, of course). The article says, for example, that bamboo or organic cotton towels are the way to go. True. But the towels you own right now are infinitely greener because new things take so much energy and so many resources to produce and ship.

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