30 September 2009


Cooking at home can be rewarding and delicious. But how can you reduce the impact your cooking has on the environment? Try "hypercooking"!

-Keep your pots and pans covered when possible. According to green is sexy, simply using a lid can "reduce the energy used by 20-30 percent." Bonus: your cooking gets finished sooner, too.

-Let residual heat finish your food. According to this Food Section article, "One hypercooking technique involves saving energy by turning off the source of the heat before a dish is fully-cooked and relying upon the residual heat to cook the food until it is done." Do this wisely, of course, and within reason. But for most dishes, this works just fine.

-Piggy-back. Are you cooking two dishes in the oven or on the stovetop? Have the other one prepped and ready to put on the heat as soon as the first one finishes. There are a million ways you could use this method. It works really well with pasta and pasta sauce. But it also works well if you are cooking a casserole and plan to serve cookies for dessert, etc. A little planning goes a long way.

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