01 November 2009

"Fall Back" Your Fans!

We're all aware that it's time to "fall back" when it comes to changing our clocks. But while "falling back" is fresh in your mind, consider switching your ceiling fans, too.

Reversing your fans to spin counter-clockwise helps draw the warm air down. TreeHugger reports that "if you reverse the direction of your fan, you can lower the thermostat on your heating/cooling unit by at least 5 degrees without losing comfort." That's quite a bit!

Just like using fans to keep cool in the hot months, using fans to keep warm in the winter is more efficient than using central heat/air. Instead of controlling the temperature in all the rooms in your house (including those you don't spend any time in like guest rooms, closets, and formal dining rooms), you are concentrating your energy usage where it's actually helpful.

So flip the switch on your fans now...or, if you're living in Florida and it's still 90 degrees out, just keep this tip in mind for January. Haha.

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