In France, my host family used an intricate system of pulleys, hangers, and clothes pins to dry clothes in over their only bathtub. I was really impressed with the whole get-up. But my favorite part was a circular, collapsible, clothes pin hanger. Perfect for socks, underwear, and bras.
Imagine my surprise when, in little ol' West Melbourne, Florida, I found a hanger similar hanger. Where? At the flea market! For how much? $1.50. And the best part? It came in pink (or blue or green or yellow...but I like the pink one!)
I would highly recommend everybody has one. Even if you don't air dry all your clothing, it's perfect for the occasional lingerie or even daily bras that can't be put through the dryer.
1 comment:
Yes, you guys do hate bathtubs, but I, for one, am against sitting in my own filth.
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