31 December 2008

Looking Back on 2008

As I look back over the past year, I am absolutely amazed by how far Ben and I have come on our quest toward sustainable living. Our lifestyle is much different than it was just a few months ago. This is inspiring to me as I look forward to a new year. Many steps toward sustainability seemed far out of my comfort zone when I started them. With practice, however, they've become normal.

In that vein, I think our three largest lifestyle changes this past year have been as follow:

1. Organics: We took the Mission Organic 2010 challenge and just kept going. Now we buy about 90% of our groceries organic. We've also made commitments to organic clothing, which greatly reduces our impulse purchases.

2. Plastics: We use cloth shopping bags almost exclusively now, and we've eliminated the vast majority of plastics in our kitchen, including plates, bowls, cups, spatulas, tupperware, etc. We're starting to eradicate the plastics in the rest of our house (BPA-laden toothbrush bristles will be the next to go!).

3. Driving: Our progress in this category is far from complete, but we are much better than last December. Ben carpools to work, I bike to my volunteer job, and we both really think before just getting in the car and going. We've cut down on our driving around town, and we've taken most of the excess weight out of our cars (car mats, CD cases, ice scrapers -- in FL). When we do drive, we've been learning to incorporate some of the basic tenets of hypermiling.

We still have plenty of room to grow in each of these categories and will actively work toward becoming better in these ways.

I issue you a challenge. If you are can only commit to a few new sustainable behaviors this coming year, I encourage you to consider one or more of those listed above. These are excellent beginning steps toward making your lifestyle more sustainable, happy, and healthy.


acheron0 said...

I stopped eating beef. Maybe its because I feel guilty about not being able to take the subway.

Hannah Markwardt said...

Excellent choice!

The smaller the animal you're eating, the smaller the impact it has on the environment.

Plus, it's getting easier and easier to find "fake meat" substitutes for almost any craving you could have, especially, I would bet, in Boston. Lucky you!

Great resolution!!

acheron0 said...

Wasn't really a resolution, I started before we even moved up here. I've only fallen off the wagon twice, when I actually forgot I was eating beef (big mac) and then during christmas you have to eat what you're given.

I haven't been a big fan of meat substitutes in my experiences. I like tofu, but not when it tries to be something else. I haven't tried in a little while though. I haven't tracked what I eat instead of beef, but I'm pretty sure anything is better. We eat ground Bison which should be better because Bison have to be free range. When eating out, I probably end up eating more pork. Have a suggestion for the next thing to cut out?

We also just got done eating our second shot at soy ice cream. We found this AMAZING stuff at Trader Joe's "Soy Creamy". I cannot emphasize enough how good this stuff was. Better than ice cream. We just tried "So Delicious" and it was just Ok.

Hannah Markwardt said...

We've tried the "So Delicious" brand, and I like it ok. Ben's not too thrilled. We'll definitely keep an eye out for "Soy Creamy"!

Have you ever tried Tofutti?

Trader Joe's is supposed to be great! Have you found lots of good stuff there?