06 January 2010

Frosty Temps

Even in our southern suburbias, we can have some cold days. I mean, Central Florida is having freezes every night right now!

How do we deal with the cold as efficiently as possible? Your goal should be to avoid using the heat as much as possible. Many people say that you can fairly easily lower your thermostat a degree a day without noticing much difference. So, if you're still in the 70s, start lowering it. You might be surprised how low you can take it! Our heat isn't set to come on unless it gets below 58, and we're fine. Even with our thin FL blood!

But just because we want to tread lightly on our energy use during the winter doesn't mean that we are entirely without control. You can keep you house warmer than your heater cut-off with some simple practices.

1. Use windows wisely. In the morning when the sun comes up, open all your curtains and blinds. Let the solar energy poor into your house all day long. When the sun starts to go down, tightly cover all windows to keep the cold air out. Doing this faithfully will keep the temperature warmer inside than it is outside!

2. Seal your sockets. Put those child-safety covers on all electrical outlets that are on perimeter walls of your home. This will help combat air leaks.

3. Drafty doors. It's the perfect time to check your weatherstripping! But even good looking weather stripping might not be enough to keep the chill out. Get a door draft stopper (like those bean bag snakes, remember those?). Or improvise your own: Roll up a towel and put three rubber bands on it: one on each end and the third in the middle.

Sometimes trying to keep the cold out is not enough. Let's say your house does dip down below that 58 degree mark (or whatever you have bravely set your thermostat to). Then what?

1. Wear more clothes. An easy one. Double socks, sweatpants, and lots of layers on top while you're at home. Do not underestimate how comfy you can be like this! :)

2. Enlist the help of your partner, friends, and/or pets. Cuddle up on the couch under a blanket. (Our cat has actually gotten desperate for our attention since it's gotten so cold. He'll do anything to sit on or be held by us!)

3. Pick your room wisely. Remember that south-facing windows get the most sun. Consider spending your time at home in your southern rooms. This might be a nice change of pace anyway! (A second choice should be west-facing rooms, which get the second best sun.)

Need some encouragement or motivation? Check out Crunchy Chicken's Freeze Yer Buns Challenge 2009-2010! You'll find a great community of brave -- though perhaps a bit frosty -- greens there.

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