19 January 2010

Sustainability in the Classroom

If there are any other educators out there reading this blog, you may be excited to learn that there are lots of ways you can help teach the next generation how to take better care of the Earth than their forebears.

Here are some places to begin:
-For the science classroom: Students Learn Environmental Stewardship, Improve Science Scores: Middle-Schoolers' Test Scores Boosted by Integrating Horticulture Lessons

-For the science, social science, or English/language arts classroom: The No Impact Project has designed lesson plans on the themes of consumption, energy, food, transportation, and water. Each lesson is designed for one 50-minute class period and may be used singley or together.

-For the art, math, science, social studies, or English/language arts classroom: Cool It Schools motivates students worldwide through sustainability-based and environment-centered projects, showcases, and even competitions in a wide variety of categories.

You can easily find many other great options and lots of supportive research out there. If there are any specific programs that you know of and like, please feel free to leave their websites in the comments! Working as a community of educators, we can help shape the future faces of sustainability.

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