08 February 2009

Feeding Baby

We've all heard about the myriad of benefits of eating organic foods. But even if you've not committed to eating organic yourself, you should seriously consider it for your infants and children. We all want our children to get the best start in life possible. And feeding them wholesome foods grown without chemicals and pesticides is one important way to do that.

Luckily, organic baby food is getting easier and easier to find. Gerber even makes a line of organic baby foods, which Wal-Mart carries, for goodness sake. This article is about six other good options for organic baby foods.

One great option, of course, is making your own baby food. You can use your normal kitchen blender or food processor to make it, or your can buy a hand-cranked grinder for less than $20, which makes preparing baby food on the go fast and easy. You can freeze it in ice cube trays for later, or just make as much as you need for one meal. And because you're not left with mounds of plastic or glass jars, it's a cheap, waste-free way to feed baby!

Image from http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21YQYAS0EWL._SL500_AA250_.jpg

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